Monday, June 1, 2009

Research Fellow in Risk Management/Societal Safety, Stavanger

Research Fellow in Risk Management/Societal Safety
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Closing date for applications is June 22, 2009

The University of Stavanger invites applications for two three-year doctorate scholarships in risk management/societal safety at the Faculty of Science and Technology in the Department of Industrial Economics, Risk Management and Planning.

The scholarships cover the following areas:
  1. Enterprise risk management
  2. Foundational issues in risk assessment and risk management (uncertainty, ALARP, cost-benefit analysis, precautionary principle etc.)
  3. RAMS-analysis (RAMS: Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety)
  4. Risk analysis methods
  5. Risk regulation
  6. Societal safety/security and emergency preparedness
  7. Technical safety
Applications must indicate preferred areas of research.

Applicants must have earned a master's degree or possess corresponding qualifications which could provide a basis for successfully completing the doctorate. The master's degree curriculum should have components in risk and/or safety. Also candidates that not yet have finished their master thesis can apply. It is necessary to have obtained an average grade of B or better in order to qualify. In evaluating candidates the University will pay particular attention to results from the master program and the fellows' potential as researchers demonstrated through their master theses and/or publications.

The appointee must be able to work independently and as a member of a team, be creative and innovative. The research fellow must have a good command of both oral and written English.

The research fellow will be admitted to the doctoral program at the University of Stavanger on an agreement to complete the doctorate within the duration of the scholarship.

The program will mainly be carried out at the University of Stavanger, apart from a period of study abroad at a recognized and relevant center of research.

The research fellow is salaried according to the State Salary Code, 17.515, code 1017, LR 20, ltr 45, of NOK 353.200 per annum.

The position provides for automatic membership in the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund, which guarantees favorable retirement benefits. Members may also apply for home investment loans at favorable interest rates.

Further information about the position can be obtained from Professor Terje Aven, telephone +47 51 83 22 67, e-mail

The University is committed to a policy of equal opportunity in its employment practices. Women are particularly encouraged to apply.

The application must contain the following documents and material and be submitted in tree copies: CV, the form "Utvidet søkerskjema<http://www.uis. no/getfile. php/Ledige% 20stillinger% 20-%20utvidet% 20s%C3%B8knadssk jema/Utvidet_ soekerskje_ eng5.rtf>"
(Information to be made available to the applicants), certificates/ diplomas, references, list of publications, up to 15 publications, any other documentation that the applicant considers relevant

and be addressed to:

University of Stavanger
Faculty of Science and Technology
Attn Hallgeir Hognestad
N-4036 Stavanger
The application should be marked 30030246/30030247.
Closing date for applications is June 22, 2009.

Vennlig hilsen / Kind regards
Nugroho Adi Sasongko
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mobile : +47 9949 5379
Sent from Stavanger, 11, Norway

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