Friday, May 15, 2009

6 PhD Positions in Agrobiodiversity, SS Sant'Anna, Pisa, Ital

http://www.sssup. it/context. jsp?ID_LINK= 405&area= 46

The PhD Programme in Agrobiodiversity is aimed at the enhancement of human resource capacities in the use and management of genetic variation in agricultural and natural systems, in order to improve the sustainability of agricultural systems and the conservation of genetic resources for the well-being of present and future generations.

The Programme is structured in the following curricula:
Curriculum A - Plant genetic resources: teaching and research activities take place in ENEA Research Center at "La Casaccia", a few kilometres from Rome;
Curriculum B - Functional biodiversity in agroecosystems : teaching and research activities take place in Pisa, at Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies.

Admission Requirements
- possession of a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree or equivalent title in Experimental Sciences, at an Italian or foreign university and ssession of a Degree awarded after, at least, a four-year course in Experimental Sciences;
- to be younger than 35 years (date of birth after 15 July 1974), older than 35 may be exceptionally admitted by the Admission Committee.

Positions and grants
6 positions with 6 fellowships (the net amount is € 12.500, all inclusive):
the first 4 (four) eligible candidates of Curriculum A and the first 2 (two) eligible candidates of Curriculum B will be awarded a scholarship. The School may also admit eligible candidates up to a maximum number of 2 positions.

applications must be submitted on line by July 15, 2009, 12 pm GMT at phdapplicationon line
a hardcopy of the application (signed by the candidate), together with the enclosures requested, must reach by July 30, 2009:

Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna
Divisione Formazione Universitaria e alla Ricerca
Piazza Martiri della Libertà 33
56127 PISA, Italy

The envelope must show the indication "Application International Doctoral Programme in Agrobiodiversity"

Application and attachments
Enclosures to the hard copy of the applications:
1.the copy of a valid identity document. Non Schengen area citizens will have to provide a photocopy of their passport
2.copy of their curriculum vitae et studiorum
3.photocopy of the candidate's university degree or equivalent. University degree and study certificates (except those written in English, French, German, Portuguese or Spanish) must be translated into Italian and legalized by an Italian Embassy or Consulate;
4.the results of the English language proficiency test (TOEFL or IELTS or CPE) or other documents certifying the knowledge of the English language;
5.copy of the proposed doctoral research project, including:
State of art with relevant literature (max 1 page);
General and specific research objectives (max 2 pages);
Materials and methods (max 2 pages);
Expected results (max 1 page);
Time schedule of activities;
6.The indication of candidate's major skills (choose maximum three fields, using numbers (1, 2, 3) to indicate the primary, secondary and tertiary fields) among the following:
Agronomy/cropping systems
Crop/Plant Ecology
Crop/Plant Physiology
Genomics and/or Proteomics
Plant Molecular Biology
Plant Pathology
Weed Science
Other (specify) least two letters of presentation from former supervisors; passport-size photograph with the name printed on the back;
9.any document and/or publication that the candidate deems worthy of consideration, including any association with research institutions;
10.a numbered list of the documents attached.

Selection of applicants
Assessment of the titles: the submitted documents and publications, including the CV, and the Research Project.

Beginning of the PhD Programme:
The PhD Programme will start on 20 January 2010


Attached documents:
Call for applications 2009/10 (file pdf, 224 Kb)

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